Stay safe on Public Wi-Fi

2019-02-14T11:58:26+10:00Thursday, 14 February, 2019|Wi-Fi|

You’re at the airport, a coffee shop or in a hotel, and you need to meet a deadline. To achieve this deadline, you need to access Public Wi-Fi. It is convenient, but it comes with risk. This article provides some tips to reduce your risk.

Recovering Data Files

2018-01-22T14:35:29+10:00Monday, 22 January, 2018|Data Recovery|

Recovering Data Files Virtually every day, Computer Troubleshooter’s engineers receive an enquiry from small business clients and residential customers asking for assistance with recovering data files. By the time [...]

Basic Cyber Security

2017-11-03T15:07:16+10:00Friday, 1 September, 2017|Tips & Tricks|

Basic Cyber Security Cyber security threats are continually evolving. Viruses, worms, trojan horses, spyware, phishing, adware and scareware have all been around for a long time. Lately one particular [...]

Cryptolocker Removal

2017-11-10T10:38:42+10:00Tuesday, 1 March, 2016|Tips & Tricks|

Cryptolocker Removal The Cryptolocker family of ransomware viruses and look-alikes (CTB Locker, Cryptowall, Torrent Locker, Locker, Locky etc.) are now well known as one of the major causes of [...]

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