Why Migrate to Office 365

2019-12-12T23:22:19+10:00Thursday, 12 December, 2019|Microsoft 365|

Whether you’re a start-up, a local, medium-sized business or a global corporation, you probably depend on applications such as Microsoft Word and Excel. Today’s work environment requires employees and businesses to be more collaborative and to be able to work on documents, files remotely, on multiple devices and at various times of the day.

Windows 7 End of Life Options

2019-09-10T11:13:02+10:00Tuesday, 10 September, 2019|Security, Support, Tips & Tricks|

From the 14th January 2020, Microsoft’s support for Windows 7 will be ending. This means that, from this date onwards Microsoft will no longer be issuing security updates, patches or providing technical support for devices that are running Windows 7, Windows Server 2008/R2, Exchange Server 2010 and Small Business Server (SBS) 2011.

Office 365 Support

2017-11-10T10:35:30+10:00Monday, 18 July, 2016|Support|

Why your Office 365 network needs professional IT support? Microsoft’s Office 365 is now very much at the core of many small & medium business IT systems. With its [...]

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